
China's 2nd TIR assembly center launched in Xinjiang


China's 2nd TIR assembly center launched in Xinjiang

2024-08-16 19:35:51 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) --China's second TIR assembly center certified by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) was unveiled at Urumqi Multimodal Transportation Center in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Wednesday.

"The establishment of TIR center is a key measure to promote the construction of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone and provides new impetus for a "new Eurasian continent logistics channel," said Si Junjiang, president of Xinjiang International Land Port (Group) Co., Ltd.

"The new center in Urumqi will promote the linkage between port and inland, and provide more options for transport enterprises", Wang Ran, Chief Representative of IRU East and Southeast Asia Representative Office said.

China joined the TIR Convention in 2016, bringing its signatories to 70.

TIR, an abbreviation for Transports Internationaux Routiers or International Road Transports, is an international customs transit system to help save time and cost for transport operators and customs authorities when moving goods across borders, covering road, rail, inland river, sea transport and other multimodal transport.

Xinjiang, as a core area of the Belt and Road Initiative, established China's first TIR assembly center in May 2024 in the Kashgar Area of the China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

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